The role of staffing technologies in the system of public administration for the prevention of deviant behavior of minors

Автор: Utkina A.N., Shirmanova G.S.

Журнал: Вестник Алтайской академии экономики и права @vestnik-aael

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 11-3, 2022 года.

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Technologies of personnel support in the system of public administration for the prevention of deviant behavior of minors traditionally include such types of them that are applied regardless of the nature and type of public administration - certification of civil servants, competitive selection, formation of a personnel reserve, clarification of qualification requirements for civil servants, etc. However, the effectiveness of the staffing of the civil service remains the subject of active criticism and complaints about its non-compliance with modern requirements. Among such requirements, experts include the improvement of the labor incentive mechanism and its personification, the achievement of greater openness and transparency of the state civil service, the development of a system of criteria for evaluating the quality of work of civil servants. A separate vector of development of public administration technologies is the introduction and dissemination of their new forms, which are becoming indispensable in the direction of increasing the openness and effectiveness of monitoring the activities of public authorities, which is directly related to the quality of their performance of their powers. We are talking about the following technologies: «open government», «feedback», federal contract system, etc. The actualization of these areas determines the prospects for the development of human resources technologies in terms of management, and also makes it possible to improve the mechanism of regulation of public services in terms of law. As a result, the entire system of personnel policy of state structures will become more effective and adequate to the requirements of modernity. The analysis of the state policy of Kuzbass in the field of prevention of deviant behavior of minors revealed its new qualitative level. A whole range of public administration technologies in the field of prevention of deviant behavior of minors, including staffing technologies, is being created and implemented in the region. The formation of a favorable environment for the development of minors, as well as the coordination of the efforts of prevention subjects, have become the main strategic target for the use of such technologies.


Public administration technologies, staffing, deviant behavior of minors, kuzbass, youth policy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142235960   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2605

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