Role of traditional games of the Shenekhen Buryats in family rituals
Автор: Dashieva S.B., Tsyrenova N.D.
Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world
Рубрика: История
Статья в выпуске: 2, 2023 года.
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The Shenekhen Buryats are one of the Buryat ethnic groups. Due to objective historical reasons they have been living on the territory of the modern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the PRC for more than a hundred years. During the period of forced migration, various socio-political events they were able to preserve and develop the traditional culture, which at present is an original component of the Buryat and all-Mongolian culture. The Shenekhen Buryats actively took part in socio-cultural life, their customs and traditions are being modernized and taking on a different form, their content is changing to a certain extent. Some customs are gradually losing their significance, are gradually falling out of use and can become archaic and irrelevant. An important role in the traditional culture of the Buryats is played by folk games as a special element of the traditional culture. These games include Ankle bone Shooting, Bride's Pillow Fight, and Hidden Ring. At present, young people rare play these games, and they may be completely lost in the future. Within the framework of this article, we have made an attempt to analyze the mentioned games from the point of view of their content and moral foundations, to determine their role in the life cycle of the Shenekhen Buryats. To date, there have not yet been studies devoted to these games in the scientific literature.
Hаха харбалга, бэhэлиг нюулсаан
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148327016 | DOI: 10.18101/2949-1657-2023-2-104-113