The role of the east in the formation of the Eurasian civilization in the concept of P.N. Savitsky

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In the article the basic concepts P.N. Savitsky, one of the leaders of Eura-sianism are considered. In his works the Eastern vector of the Eurasianism associated with the recognition of the role of the East in the formation of the Eurasian civilization is fully justified. The main idea of Savitsky was the idea that the geographical position of Russia - Eurasia, the synthesis of the Western and Eastern origins, Eurasian identity is its fate. The sources of the Eurasian essence of civilization formation of Russia in Savitsky concept were equally defined by the history of ethno sphere and cultural sphere in the context of world history of civilizations, «Genghis Khan's heritage». Savitsky accented a role of « Asian element» in destinies of Russia and «steppe elements» in the development of originality of culture, advance of Russians to the east, in the formation of the Russian (Eurasian) civilization. Thanks to it the East Slavic civilization having the east roots with accession of new lands transformed to the Eurasian civilization. Russia became the specific continent, equal by its civilization significance to Europe and Asia taken together.


Asia, east, genghis khan''s heritage, eurasianism, Russia -eurasia, west

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