Russian methodology for evaluating public investment projects vs European methodology PIMA: compliance analysis

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The article presents the results of a comparison of Russian and European methodologies for assessing the effectiveness of public investment projects in a number of institutional practices, such as investment forecasting, technical, economic and financial evaluation of projects, project selection procedures, monitoring of their implementation, operational project management, and others. An analysis of the regulations for the regulatory assessment of the effectiveness of investment projects with state participation showed that, in general, the Russian methodology complies with PIMA standards: various tools have been developed and are functioning, such as technological and price audits, test passports for capital construction projects, information resources of the Federal Targeted Investment Program and objects of construction in progress and others. However, the “blind” zone of assessment in Russia is the complex forecasting of investments at all institutional levels, the assessment of investment needs for the maintenance of investment facilities and the adjustment of design documentation for construction in progress.


Методология pima

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IDR: 142237041   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2721

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