The birth of BRIC: the first policy statements of a new international organization
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This article analyzes the first joint policy statements made in 2009 and 2010 after the summits in Yekaterinburg and Brazil by representatives of the countries that initiated the creation of a new international association, originally called BRIC. These texts show the priorities of the new organization that were already being formulated at the first stage of its existence and largely determined its further activities. The semantic core of each of these statements shows the range of constructions most used by the authors to create a positive image of the new international association in the media. Among them were such concepts as “international”, “development”, and “cooperation”. The first BRIC policy statements reveal that its organizers sought to take into account the experience of other interstate associations such as the Group of 20, that they planned to use BRIC to protect not only the interests of the member countries of the association, but to begin changing the world order as a whole, and that the summits of the leaders of the BRIC countries were initially perceived as a mechanism to coordinate the strategic prospects for the development of the organization and as an opportunity to express the position of the organization on specific events and processes in different spheres and in different countries.
Bric, international cooperation, summit, joint statement
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IDR: 147246033 | DOI: 10.14529/ssh240405