Self-presentation of the politician in social networks (on a material of official page in the social network “VKontakte” of the governor of the Kemerovo area of Sergey Tsivilev)

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Purpose. Linguists actively study accounts of world politicians in social networks, pages of regional politicians are not described yet, as defines a urgency and novelty of research. Objective of article is the analysis of strategy of the self-presentation used for formation of image of the regional politician in social networks. Material - the page of the governor of Kuzbass S. Tsivilev in the social network “VKontakte” for the period preceding his election to the post. At occurrence of the new politician in region the specific character of the selected strategy of self-presentation as it is necessary for politician to show professional qualities is boldly shown, to designate prospects, to win respect of electorate, to achieve support on elections. Results. S. Tsivilev’s account is exemplary all channels of self-presentation as are actively involved: qualitative avatars, the information on the politician, substantial and on a regular basis updated content are presented, to a photo, video data. During self-presentation in a social network “VKontakte” S. Tsivilev actively uses tactics of positioning, an identification, creation of “the circle”. Conclusion. Used tactics of self-presentation are reflection of the image roles “Simple person”, “Patriot”, “Personnel militarian”, “Anti-recessionary manager”, “Authorized representative of the president”, that in aggregate shapes an image of the head of region, the person of action, in a military way precise, demanding to itself and another, able quickly to make the decision, to reveal problems and to find ways of their decision. S. Tsivilev’s convincing victory over elections of the governor testifies to high efficiency of the selected strategy of self-presentation.


Political communications, regional politician, image, self-presentation, speech strategy, speech tactics, social networks, sergey tsivilev, kuzbass

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IDR: 147220122   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2019-18-6-129-138

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