Independent training of students for seminars on the discipline “Regional folk singing styles”

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The article considers the key aspects of individual work performed by undergraduate students of Russian institutions of higher education of creative orientation educated in training direction “Art of Folk Singing”, as a part of preparation for workshop (seminar) sessions run within the frames of the academic discipline “Regional Styles of Folk Singing”. On the author’s view, one of the most important condition for today’s undergraduate students’ good self-education and fostering of a further folk singing culture specialist’s professionally valuable qualities is appreciation of significance of a role of a modern student’s individual work in general structure of pedagogical process running in the Russian higher school. The author of the paper briefly describes a typical structure of a workshop (seminar), its key management tasks and principles. Steps of an algorithm of information search and analysis of education materials by students are disclosed. The article outlines the author’s opinion on content peculiarities of issue-related calendar plan of academic discipline “Regional Styles of Folk Singing” that discloses particularly through a workshop (seminar) form. Also, the specifics of management of a workshop (seminar) are given; the author notices importance of a workshop (seminar) in the context of training students’ ability to apply received knowledge, skills practically.


Students' individual work, higher school, regional styles of folk singing, individual work, students' personal growth, development

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14120869   |   DOI: 10.36906/2311-4444/20-4/06

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