Field marshal M.I. Kutuzov’s lucky bullet (clinical and anatomical parallels)

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Disputable points of the character of the field marshal M.I. Kutuzov’s two bullet wounds of 1774 and 1788 were reviewed. On the basis of modeling the contents of the right orbit, analysis of anatomical and topographical characteristics of orbits of 38 men of 24-45 years old via CBCT, reconstruction of possible wound canals was performed. It is supposed that the first wound was an anterior parabasal crotaphic orbital perforating nonpenetrating wound with the damage of oculomotor nerves and muscles of the right orbit, with the injure of the pole of the right frontal cortex. The second wound was an anteroposterior left-side gnathic and occipitalis parabasal nonpenetrating perforating bullet wound.


Reconstruction, wound canal, craniometry, cone-beam computerized tomography

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IDR: 14344204

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