Естественные и технические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Мировая наука

"Кітапхананы кітапорыны апаратты-іздестіру жйесін зірлеу" бадарламасы
Статья научная
Бұл кітапхананың кітапқорының ақпарттық-іздестіру бағдарламасының дамуы сипатталған. Бағдарлама кез-келген пайдаланушының немесе әкімшілік етушінің қолдануына мүмкіндік береді.

"Фармацевтикалы компания ызметтерін отайландыруды интеграцияланан технологиясы" бадарламасы
Статья научная
Бұл мақалада фармацевтикалық компания қызметтерін оңтайландырудың интеграцияланған технологиясы бағдарламасының дамуы сипатталған. Бағдарлама кез-келген падаланушыға қол жетімді. Қолданыстағы көптеген ақылы сервистерге балама ретінде әзірленген бағдарлама түрі.

Analysis and comparison of crud operations performance of relational and NoSQL databases
Статья научная
Despite the fact that NoSQL systems have existed for quite a long time, today there are relatively few studies on the topic of comparing their performance with relational systems. The available works often do not allow us to get a complete picture, because either they describe experiments of a narrow focus (for example, comparing time spent only on data insertion operations), or they have specialized and rarely used DBMS as research objects. As part of this work, it is proposed to consider the fairly well-known PostgreSQL and MongoDB.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in people Turkestan region for 2017
Статья научная
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the fourth most common cause of death in the world after coronary heart disease, stroke and lower respiratory infections, poses a serious threat to the health of the population and which can both be prevented and cured. Every hour in the world, about 250 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients die. The mortality from this disease is higher than that of lung and breast cancer combined, and it is estimated that by 2020 COPD will be the third most common cause of death after CHD and stroke.

Chronic pyelonephritis in children
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The article deals with chronic pyelonephritis in children, which occupies a leading place in the structure of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. In this regard, the article presents the results of an in-house study devoted to the study of dynamics, frequency of occurrence, depending on gender, frequency of occurrence by age category and the prevalence of chronic pyelonephritis.

Coronary events in patients with coronary heart disease
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Coronary heart disease remains one of the most urgent problems of modern medicine. The study of prognostic factors is at the epicenter of many foreign studies in view of the high medical and social significance of this disease. Despite the great efforts of health care to combat this pathology, it continues to expand among the population throughout the world. The study of the dynamics of recurrent coronary events is important for the search for possible prolongation of the life of patients taking into account the peculiarities of IHD of a regional, ecological, ethnic, social and professional nature.

Development of customs transit in international transport corridors
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The article deals with topical issues of the electronic navigation seals use when transporting goods from foreign countries under the customs procedure of customs transit in the context of restrictive political and economic measures introduced by states and international organizations in relation to the Russian Federation.

Electrocardiographic abnormalities as prognostic markers of cardiovascular diseases
Статья научная
The article presents the data of a literature review of the study of electrocardiographic abnormalities as markers of future cardiovascular events. In the work, studies have been conducted using the Minnesota coding system for decoding electrocardiograms.

Huquqiy sohadan - raqamli transformatsiyaga
Статья научная
Ushbu maqola huquqiy sohadan-raqamli transformatsiyaga o’tish muammolari o‘rganadi. Muallif “Raqamli O‘zbekiston 2030” milliy strategiyasi kontseptsiyasida ko‘rsatilgan muammolarni to‘liq ochib beradi. Globallashuv davrida raqamli transformatsiya natijasida yuzaga kelishi mumkin bo‘lgan salbiy oqibatlar ham ko‘rsatilgan. Shunday qilib, raqamli kommunikatsiyalarning madaniyat va jamiyatga ta’sirini o‘rganish, davlatimiz maqsadlarni belgilashga alohida e’tibor qaratayotgan, paydo bo‘layotgan bir qator muammolarning mavjudligi va zarurligi bilan bog‘liq bo‘lib, bizning mamlakatimiz axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalarini qo‘llash sohasida O‘zbekiston Respublikasining ichki va tashqi siyosatini amalga oshirish maqsadlari, vazifalari va choratadbirlarini belgilashga alohida e’tibor qaratmoqda.

Information monitoring system using microcontrollers
Статья научная
This article discusses principles of operation of modern automated systems. Methods of organizing automated monitoring systems. Construction of the functional algorithm of the project.

Linux. Иллюзия свободы открытой операционной системы для неквалифицированных пользователей
Статья научная
Операционные системы на основе ядра Linux как правило создаются и распространяются в соответствии с моделью разработки свободного и позиционируются как открытое, доступное и безопасное программное обеспечения [1]. В рамках данной статьи рассматриваются основные концепции Linux при работе на самом популярном дистрибутиве из семейства Unix-подобных операционных систем - Ubuntu.

Main criteria for the quality of lighting in residential areas
Статья научная
The article proposes the main criteria for the quality of lighting in residential premises, i.e. provision of standardized quantitative parameters, comfort, safety, reliability, efficiency, ease of use and aesthetics. These criteria are closely related. The importance of each of them is determined by the type of room or object illuminated and the nature of the work performed.

Major electrocardiographic abnormalities and cardiovascular diseases
Статья научная
This article presents a study of the frequency of occurrence of major electrocardiographic abnormalities and their effect on the course of cardiovascular diseases. The types of major electrocardiographic deviations are considered according to the classification of the Minnesota coding system of electrocardiograms.

Micro-HES calculation method of small power
Статья научная
The environmental situation, as well as the continuous growth of small capacity geographically dispersed and remote from electric grids located near water streams with pressures from 1 to 5 m and power from 1 to 100 kW, set the task of creating inexpensive and efficient autonomous automated micro-hydroelectric power stations. The main goal of these tasks is to satisfy household and industrial needs with electric energy. In this paper, we present a methodology for calculating micro-hydroelectric power plants of small capacity to meet domestic and industrial needs of electric energy

NFC как средство автоматизации бытовой и промышленной среды
Статья научная
Статья посвящена технологии NFC, а также использования функционала данной технологии в промышленных и бытовых условиях

Статья научная
The low level of physical and sexual development of girls and teenage girls who live in ecological unsuccessful region has been determined in comparison with usual indicators. The frequency of appearance of extragenital pathology was 72% at the girls and the teenage girls who live in ecological unsuccessful region, the violation of their menstrual cycle was 63,2%, and the inflammation of genitals was 59%.

Problems and prospects of modern youth of Kazakhstan
Статья научная
This article discusses the problems and prospects of today's youth in Kazakhstan. Namely, we study the problem of today's youth, which should be the creation of conditions for the empowerment of young generation in the participation of society and the direction of the youth potential for the development of Kazakhstan, to ensure an adequate level of competitiveness.

Risk factors of functional dyspepsia
Статья научная
Dyspepsia is a complex of symptoms associated with a wide range of diseases. In most cases, no diagnosed organic disease is detected, and the problem is considered functional or idiopathic. However, since dyspepsia is a common symptom of manifestations of serious conditions such as peptic ulcer and stomach cancer, it is important that clinicians can stratify patients with dyspepsia with respect to the risk that the symptoms are associated with a serious disease. This requires a logical approach to diagnosis and treatment.

SCADA-технология, как часть автоматизированной системы управления техническими процессами
Статья научная
В данной статье мы рассмотрим основные понятия АСУТП (автоматизированной системы управления техническими процессами), её задачи и цели, по каким критериям оценивается их достижение, а также SCADA-систему, которая является очень эффективной на рынке. Ее назначение и основные особенности.