The selection of spring wheat on adaptability

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In agricultural part of Krasnoyarsk Region there are 8 soil and climatic zones. A variety of conditions of cultivation demands the creation of the grades considerably differing in vegetative period and reac-tion to various stressful factors. The purpose of conducted researches was the creation of new grades of spring wheat for various soil and climatic zones of Krasnoyarsk Region. The experimental part of work was carried out on experimental fields of Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of Agriculture located in central part of Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. The predecessor was bare fallow; the norm of seeding was 5 million vigorous grains per hectare. Field researches were conducted according to SSM technique. As early riping standard the grade No-vosibirsk 15 was used; middle-early - Altai 70; mid-season for a forest-steppe zone - Omsk 32; mid-season for a steppe zone - Omsk 33. The assess-ment of selection material on the resistance to mushroom diseases was carried out by immunity sector by the techniques developed in VIR; the as-sessment of technological and baking qualities of grain, i.e. sector of technological assessment of grain was performed according to the techniques of national standards of Russian Federation and ISO methods. The main signs of adaptation of the grade to the conditions of growth are optimum duration of vegetative period and resistance to the most wide-spread adverse factors of the environment. The resistance of the grade to the drought as the dam-age from it exceeds damage from any stressful fac-tor is especially important. The signs positively in-fluencing the efficiency of the grade in the drought were revealed: the number and extent of develop-ment of germinal roots, optimum ratio of the inter-phase periods of development of plants, the exist-ence of awns, total area of leaf surface and the ar-ea of flag leaf, fineness of grain. The use of re-ceived theoretical results in selection process led to the creation of new grades possessing high adapt-ability. For various soil and climatic zones of Kras-noyarsk Region the grades of spring wheat were created: Vetluzhanka, Svirel, Krasnoyarskaya 12, Kuraginskaya 2, Kanskaya. In the study the charac-teristic of grades and the recommendation about zones of their application are given.


Spring wheat, variety, selection, veg-etation period, resistance to drought, productivity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084872

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