White and sarept mustard seed productivity in the Udmurt Republic

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Field experiments were laid at the Udmurt Research Institute of Agriculture of the UdmFRC UB RAS in 2017-2019. The purpose of research is to determine the influence of the optimal sowing time and seeding rate on the formation of seed productivity of white and Sarepta (yellow) mustard in the Udmurt Republic. The object of research is white mustard, variety Raduga, and Sarepta mustard, variety Nika. 4 sowing dates were studied: 1st (c.), 2nd, 3rd decades of May, 1st decade of June and 5 seeding rates - 2.0; 2.5; 3.0 (q), 3.5; 4.0 million germinating seeds/ha. When sowing white and Sarepta mustard in the 1-3rd decade of May, precipitation and soil moisture content is sufficient for the friendly germination of seeds and the formation of its good seed productivity. On average, over 3 years of research when sowing in the 2nd and 3rd periods (2nd and 3rd decades of May), the yield of white mustard seeds was 669 and 684 kg/ha, respectively, which is at the control level (sowing in 1-ten days of May). When sowing at the same time in Sarepta mustard, it was 449 and 472 kg/ha, which is also at the control level. Sowing mustard in the 1st decade of June does not guarantee high seed productivity, as it is more risky. In white mustard seed yield was 386 kg/ha, which is lower than the control variant by 259 kg/ha, or 40 %, in Sarepta mustard - 345 kg/ha, which is lower than the control (432 kg/ha) by 87 kg/ha, or twenty %. The highest seed productivity of mustard is formed when it is sown with a seeding rate of 3-4 million viable seeds/ha; for white mustard, it was 624-652 kg/ha, for Arepta mustard - 460-491 kg/ha. The seeds of Sarepta mustard were distinguished by a higher oil content - 38.1-43.4 %, white mustard - 25.6-27.7 %.


White mustard, sarepta mustard (yellow), sowing time, seeding rate, seed productivity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140290497

IDR: 140290497   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-12-17-24

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