Seasonal dynamics of ixodid mite activity in Kemerovo

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The purpose of the research is to determine the seasonal dynamics of the activity of ixodic ticks in the city of Kemerovo (Kuznetsk-Salair mountain region). In the experiment, we took into account the data of tick activity when taking them into account on the flag and at the ixodid picking from dogs admitted to a veterinary clinic in the city of Kemerovo. Research objectives: to study the species composition of ixodids attacking dogs in the city of Kemerovo in 2020; to identify the months of maximum activity of ixodid ticks (peaks of activity); to study the species composition of ticks when taking them into account on the flag for the period from April to October 2020. The experiment was conducted on the basis of the veterinary clinic "GBU Kuzbass Station for the Control of Animal Diseases" of the city of Kemerovo and the Department of Ecology of Kemerovo State University. The article presents an analysis of the species composition of ticks collected during the study for 2020. To determine the species, each tick was examined under a micro-scope, taking into account the main morphological characteristics of the ticks. The main types of ticks that parasitize dogs and in flag collections are Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes persulcatus, and less often Ixodes pavlovskyi. The analysis, graphs and peaks of the activity of ixodid ticks, as well as the relationship between the activity of ixodid ticks when taking into account the flag and in collections from dogs for the period of activity from April to October 2020 in the territory of the city of Kemerovo were made.


Ixodids, ticks, Ixodes persylcatus, Ixodes pavlovskyi, Dermaceptor reticulatus, dogs, flag counting, tick activity peaks, Kuzbass

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140257816   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-9-150-155

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