Seasonal dynamics of water-soluble organic substance of the chernozyom leached in the conditions of soil-protective technologies

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Water-soluble Organic Substances (WSOS) are one of the most active components of organic sub-stance of the soil. Weak supply of soils agrocenosis with mobile forms of organic substance of agricul-tural enterprises of Siberia causes adverse water-air mode, the lowered biological activity and the lack of mineral connections. The deficiency of available scientific information on the influence of bailing on the level and WSOS dynamics defines the relevance of the study. The research objective was to estimate the parameters of the content of water-soluble organic substance in leached chernozyom when using various technologies of the main processing. The research problems were the assessment of dynamics of the content of wa-ter-soluble organic substance in the conditions of various ways of processing of the soil and the com-parison of the studied layers of 0-5 and 5-20 cm according to the concentration of water-soluble or-ganic substance. The study was carried out in the conditions of production experience of trial estab-lishment in APC "Shilinskoye" in Krasnoyarsk for-est-steppe located within Chulymo-Yenisei denuda-tion plateau in South-Western outskirts of Central Siberia (56037' northern and 93012' eastern longi-tude) on the basis of long experiment started in 2005 under the leadership of I.A. Kuprin and Dr. Agr. Sci. L.R. Mukina. The observations were made in corn bare fallow link of crop rotation with the fol-lowing alternation: chemical fallow, spring-sown wheat, winter triticale. The scheme of the experi-ment consisted of the following options of the ex-periment (ways of processing): 1 - dump (st); 2 - minimum (superficial loosening); 3 -zero. The re-sults of the supervision of the influence of the ways of the main processing on the content of water-soluble organic substances of lixivious chernozyom were considered. The use of superficial disking de-fined the stablest rhythm of organic substance of the soil transformation. The greatest accumulation of water-soluble organic substance characterized the soil of option with zero processing. The applied technologies of processing caused differentiation of root thickness according to the content of water-soluble organic substance. However, these distinc-tions were not always reliable.


Water-soluble organic substance, soil-protective technology

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140224272

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