Electrical scheme of the division device electric network to the plots

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Sectioning and redundancy of 0.4 kV electrical networks is one of the ways to increase the efficiency of agricultural power supply systems, increase the reliability of power supply to rural consumers, and reduce electricity losses in rural electrical networks. There is a need to develop new partitioning devices that have a reduced cost compared to existing ones and allow supplementing and expanding the possibilities of using existing devices. The device for dividing the electrical network into sections (UDS) is one of such means of sectioning. Earlier, a block diagram of the UDS, the principles of its application in rural electrical networks of 0.4 kV, and an operation algorithm were developed. In this paper, an electrical circuit of the device is developed, its description is made. This scheme allows to implement the algorithms of the UDS, and the use of the device - to increase the reliability of power supply to consumers.


Power supply, sectioning and redundancy, sectioning device, network division device, 0.4 kv electrical networks, electrical circuit

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147241075

IDR: 147241075

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