Symbols of European protostates, their genesis

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Drawing on the rare evidences of the original Chinese chronicles of the Han Dynasty and comparing them with the latest archaeological findings in the kurgan of the “Scythian Lady” in the Altai Plato Ukok, the author for the first time managed to restore major characteristics of the unique race of Scythian and Sarmato-Alan battle horses. The article demonstrates that Khalas, also known as “heavenly” and “blood sweating” horses in the Chinese sources were an organic part of the original military high-tech and sacred cosmological complex of the Eurasian proto-empires and their world view. These horses were capable to carry heavily armored elite cavalry of North Iranians and were the most desirable prize for all powers from Greece and Rome to China. They gave beginning to the most famous breeds like Turkish Ahal-Tekins or Arabic Shaula horses, and together with their Sarmato- Alan-ic riders laid down the foundation of culture of medieval chivalry in Western Europe.


Scythians, sarmatians, alans, battle horses, dogs, breeds, history, culture, symbol, genesis, religion

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IDR: 148317949

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