Synergetic improvement of technological characteristics of highway road surfaces by bitumen microdispersed emulsions
Автор: Glazachev A.O., Ivanova O.V., Pavlov S.Yu., Salov A.S., Akhmetshin R.M.
Журнал: Нанотехнологии в строительстве: научный интернет-журнал @nanobuild
Рубрика: Применение наноматериалов и нанотехнологий в строительстве
Статья в выпуске: 5 т.16, 2024 года.
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Introduction. The use of bitumen microdispersed emulsion as a resource-saving method for road surface construction is a popular trend in the development of innovative nanostructures. The technological use of petroleum bitumen as a binder for road materials requires a reduction in rheological viscosity. This can be achieved through synergistic developments that involve the use of various additives and modifiers. Methods and materials. The composition of bitumen microheterogeneous emulsions includes: bitumen-containing raw materials (up to 70-80% of mass); water with hardness up to 6 mg-eq/l (from 20 to 30%); emulsifiers (up to 3%) and other components. For large-tonnage production of waterbitumen emulsions, a colloid mill is the most technologically advanced equipment.
Bitumen emulsion, asphalt concrete pavement, synergistic reinforcement, cationic emulsifier, road construction
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IDR: 142243183 | DOI: 10.15828/2075-8545-2024-16-5-463-472