"Epithelium - connective tissue" system and interstructural cooperation on the case of bronchopneumonia in calves

Автор: Kleimenova N.V., Smagina T.V., Kleimenov I.S., Zhilina L.N.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (67), 2017 года.

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One of the most difficult and unresolved problem in the veterinary science and practice are respiratory diseases of young cattle, which are widespread, accompanied by high mortality and can reduce the economic efficiency of the industry at 20-30%. Pneumonia in calves, compared with other diseases of respiratory system, is widespread, especially in the age of 1 month, and it accounts for 80% of all respiratory diseases. We are of the opinion that, nonexpendable action of various etiological factors, as a rule, lead to violation of lung tissue disruption and contributes to the microorganisms reproduction. The work describes the modern and effective methods of diagnosis-bronchopneumonia, on the basis of special tests. These methods can simplify the work of veterinary specialists on farms. All studies were conducted on the farms of LLC "Maslovo" of the Orеl region, on 68 calves of black-and-white breed at the age from 2 weeks to 2 months, and on the base of innovative scientific-research test center of Orel SAU on modern histological and biochemical equipment. In the hematologic study of sick calves’ blood significant changes indicating presence of acute inflammation process in animal’s organism were identified. Increase in the total leukocyte count by 49.4%, reduction in the number of erythrocytes by 32.2%, decreasing by 6.4% of total protein, albumin by 17.7% was indicated. In the result of histologic test of the affected lung lobule signs of catarrhal bronchopneumonia were detected (catarrhal inflammation with atrophy of the mucous membrane, cystic transformation of glands, metaplasia of integumentary prismatic epithelium in stratified squamous epithelium, increasing in number of goblet cells). Disruptions of the structural organization of the epithelial tissue were also detected. The epithelium began to perform its tissular potencies; so, showing its gistiotypical properties, that is the growth down of catarrhal exudate.


Bronchopneumonia, calves, hematological study, pathogistology, epithelium, connective tissue, gistiotypical properties

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147124441

IDR: 147124441

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