Systematization of the conceptual apparatus of the theory of innovation in analysis of the university integration into a regional innovation system

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The paper presents an analysis of modern approaches to the definition of key concepts of the theory of innovation in the analysis of the integration of universities into regional innovation systems. The author determined the place of the university in the regional innovation system, considered approaches to the definition of the regional innovation system and its structure, defined the concept of “the effectiveness of the regional innovation system”. The author analyzes the concepts of “innovative activity”, “innovative development”. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the innovation activity of universities as a key element of the regional innovation system, as well as the innovation infrastructure of universities, the concept of “architecture of the university innovation environment” is introduced. Based on the analysis, the author built the vertical structure of the relationship of concepts, established the relationship between the tools of the conceptual apparatus of the theory of innovation. The analysis of the correlation between the concepts of the theory of innovations allowed the author to systematize them and form a scheme of the correlation of concepts.


Regional innovation system, university, innovation activity, university innovation infrastructure

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142225342   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1298

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