Systematization of the difficulties of French for students from China and Latin America

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Learning a foreign language is a complex process requiring full absorption and its success depends on the personal traits of the student as well as on the affinity of a mother-tongue and a foreign language. Special attention is paid to the difficulties that students from the People's Republic of China and Latin America face in learning French. Often, differences in phonetics, grammar and vocabulary between French and the student's mother-tongue become the reasons for mistakes made in both oral and written speech. We have identified and systematized the grammatical, lexical and phonetic phenomena of the French language, that are most difficult for Spanish-speaking and Chinese-speaking students at the A1-B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Thus, the article is aimed at acquainting students from China and Latin America with the difficulties arising in learning the French language.


French language, a1-b2 level, phonetic, lexical and grammatical difficulties, students from china, students from latin america

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148323518   |   DOI: 10.18101/2306-630X-2021-4-32-38

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