System requirements for television broadcasting equipment in Russia

Бесплатный доступ

The operation of uncertified broadcasting equipment located in 85 regions of Russia is the most important problem in the development of regional broadcasting networks in the absence of system requirements for network transmitters and earth stations of satellite repeaters in the «Digital Broadcasting Television. System of terrestrial terrestrial digital television broadcasting of the second generation DVB-T2. Second generation terrestrial digital television broadcasting system DVB-T2» domestic standard. Standard system requirements are the basis for actualization of requirements to the equipment during its certification. Requirements for network transmitters and earth stations of satellite repeaters in single-frequency broadcasting networks based on the author's research, published in domestic and foreign articles, protected by patents of the Russian Federation, are presented. In particular, the system requirements to the equipment for regional multiplex formation, metrological support of SFN (Single Frequency Network) operation and distributed system of DVB-T2 standard broadcasting quality monitoring are formulated. Requirements for assessing the efficiency of SFN networks, which will make it possible to further modernize existing regional networks to improve their reliability and the quality of television and radio broadcasting in all 85 regions of the Russian Federation, and to certify equipment in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation are also presented. The results of the author's research will make it possible to develop a system project for the creation of digital terrestrial television broadcasting in four new regions of Russia. The prospects for the development of DVB-T2 standard equipment at the program level are considered.


Television broadcasting, system requirements, dvb-t2 standard, regional networks, multiplex, certification, system project

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140303623   |   DOI: 10.18469/ikt.2023.21.1.06

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