System approach in modern legal studies
Автор: Zyrianov Aleksey Viktorovich
Журнал: Правовое государство: теория и практика @pravgos
Рубрика: Теория и история права и государства. История учений о праве и государстве
Статья в выпуске: 4 (54), 2018 года.
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This paper is devoted to the methodological analysis of the system approach, its capabilities and efficiency criteria in modern legal researches. It is an urgent issue regarding the development of the category of law in accordance with a systemological position, within which the idea of law (its nature) is appropriately correlated with such systemic properties as organizational integrity, goal-setting, structural properties, functionality, multifactor, co-evolutionary, relationship with environment, self-organization etc. It is stated that the system of law is a single set of legal entities of different levels, properly connected and interacting with each other on the scale of law as a whole. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze the connection of the system of law, the system of legislation with the mechanism of legal regulation through the idea of metasystem interaction of the system of state organization (with the relevant apparatus of management) and society as a whole, as an appropriate environment with the inherent principles of its existence. Due to this, the question is raised about the system conditions of co-evolutionary development of the elemental composition of society, state and law with the inherent of multilevel and multifactorial characteristics
System, method, law, structure, regulation, state
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 142232854