Smartphones and suicide prevention (short narrative review of specialized mobile apps)

Автор: Rozanov Vsevolod Anatolievich, Samerkhanova Kamilla Marselevna, Shaboltas Alla Vadimovna

Журнал: Суицидология @suicidology

Статья в выпуске: 1 (54) т.15, 2024 года.

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Objective. To provide a brief narrative review of studies analyzing the effectiveness of mobile apps developed for suicide prevention (SPMA), to review some examples of available apps in terms of functionality and design. Results. A review of the ten SPMAs available for downloading in the Russian Federation showed that self-help applications predominate among them (70%), while a smaller share (20%) is made up of SPMAs that are aimed to provide assistance to a loved one, while some apps provide both options. One application is intended for medical workers and is supposed to help pre-vent suicide among their patients. SPMAs are built using general principles and usually include information on myths and facts about suicide, warning signs, risk factors, recommendations on how to behave with a suicidal person, what to say, what questions to ask and how to help. Virtually all SPMAs contain a list of resources that provide professional assis-tance that are relevant to the region where the SPMA is being used, or more broadly (helplines, websites, medical facili-ties). In half of all SPMAs, the development of an individual safety plan constitutes a central tool. Some SPMAs utilize relaxation and calming techniques, breathing exercises, and techniques to prevent self-harm. While systematic reviews of researches on the effectiveness of SPMs generally present positive findings, many reviews are critical, mainly concerning the need for professional assessment of SPMAs. Earlier reviews suggest limited efficacy of SPMAs, while the most re-cent reviews are more optimistic, with a growing number of RCTs aimed at assessing the efficacy of these applications. Conclusion. SPMAs are quite relevant to take their place in the system of suicide prevention, taking into account their mobility, accessibility, possibility of pe rsonalization, and adherence to recognized tactics and prevention strategies. When creating Russian-language SPMAs, it is desirable to ensure constant interaction between potential users (patients and their relatives), professionals in the field of prevention, designers and technical developers.


Suicide prevention, mobile apps, evaluation of effectiveness, perspectives

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140304508   |   DOI: 10.32878/suiciderus.24-15-01(54)-83-104

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