Changing the paradigm of managing economic and socio-роlitical processes in the context of new challenges

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The article examines the management of economic and socio-political processes, substantiates the need to change the paradigm of public administration during periods of extreme instability, social instability, crises, transformations. It is shown that the quality of public administration during periods of crises and changes is determined by the ability of state institutions to develop and pursue a policy of social and economic development. Taking into account the dynamics of economic and social development, so as not to impose ineffective development trajectories on society, which will lead to an increase in social tension and be a brake on the economic and social development of the country. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of a scientifically grounded concept of managing socio-political processes and relations during periods of fundamental transformations, reform, crises. The article reveals the nature of social tension, offers an approach to managing it in the context of changing parameters of the external environment. The study uses a methodological approach that allows us to consider social tension, as a interdisciplinary problem that requires resolution through finding methods for implementing public consensus.


Economic systems, socio-political processes, stability, management, transformation, challenges

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IDR: 142229953

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