Socio-anthropological ideas in theoretical heritage of P.L. Lavrov

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The article presents the analysis of the socio-anthropological content of the theoretical heritage of P.L. Lavrov, one of the leading ideologists of populism. The ideological ^foundations of his anthropology and its ideological background are revealed, they are: general orientation on vaguely conscious bourgeois individualism, scientific and pragmatic methodological setting, commitment to radical ways of solutions of social illnessess. The concepts «personality», «personality’s ideal» are considered from different perspectives. In the study of the latest concept the emphasis is on the elements of the bourgeois ideal of personality synthesized in the Russian national consciousness. P.L. Lavrov reflected this ideal to a subjectivist, essentially Kantian epistemological position. Taking into consideration this position he tried to construct a kind of anthropological synthesis. The article concerns P.L. Lavrov ’s views on the problems of critically thinking personalities, party building, national federation of the Russian revolutionary communities and collectives.


Individualism, scientific rationalist methodology, social pragmatism and activism, principles of party building

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IDR: 148317024

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