Social guarantees in collective farms of Western Siberia during 1953-1964

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This article discusses the social guarantees of the collective farms for collective farmers in Western Siberia in the period 1953-1964. The aim of the study is to ascertain specific forms of social protection of workers in the limits of the collective farm system during that period. In work methods were used: ideographic, historical-genetic, retrospective. Social guarantees were determined for several positions: payment of labor days, monetary and material support for personal needs, cash payment and incentive wages. Based on the analysis of archives documents shows that the Board and general meetings of the collective farmers to solve pressing problems and issues, which for able-bodied and disabled person were vital. Generally are characterize any issues can be resolved immediately, and which are ignored. The Board of collective farm and general meetings of collective farm workers elaboration questions and make decisions concerning vital important of the moments of collective farmers, provided on a collective level material and financial support to the functioning of the collective farm of the family and a personal farm in the village...


General meeting of collective farmers, financial support, compensation, workdays, board of collective farm, material guarantee

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IDR: 14116998

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