Protein content in the grain of modern spring wheat varieties depending on the level of agricultural intensification

Автор: Amelin A.V., Chekalin E.I., Bulavintsev R.A., Polokhin A.M., Pupavtsev I.E., Shishkin A.S.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 5 (104), 2023 года.

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The development of organic farming will reduce the pollution of the environment (soil, water, plants) and food by residual quantities of pesticides and heavy metals, which can cause irreparable harm to human health. It will also make it possible to develop a significant part of the abandoned agricultural land, which will lead to maintaining the balance of the ecosystems of agricultural territories and provide the internal and external food markets with high-quality products. The purpose of the research is to study the quality of grain in modern spring wheat varieties, depending on the weather conditions of plant vegetation and intensification of agriculture. It is noted that the biochemical indicators of grain quality of modern varieties of spring wheat are still significantly affected by the weather conditions of growth. Under drier conditions for the formation, filling and ripening of grains in 2021, the studied varieties of culture had a 3% higher content of protein in the grain than in the growing season of 2022. At the same time, in the system of intensive farming, the protein content averaged 13.5% during the years of research, and 14.0% in the organic system. In 2021, the range of variation of the indicator for the studied varieties was within 13.9 - 17.0% in the intensive farming system, and 13.7 - 16.6% - in the organic farming system; in 2022, the protein content in grain, respectively, varied from 10.9 to 12.5% and from 12.0 to 13.3%. At the same time, the response of varieties to intensification factors was different. In varieties Arsey and Chernozemnouralskaya 2, an increase in the protein content in the grain was noted, first of all, in response to the treatment of plants with a fungicide, and in varieties Rima, Zlata and Triada, an increase in the growth-stimulating drug Rauaktiv. Without the use of chemicals (in conditions of organic farming), the best were Jubilee 80, Rima, Radmira, Arsey, Zlata. It is concluded that modern varieties of spring wheat are able to form a high-quality grain yield not only under conditions of intensive, but also organic farming, that is, without the use of chemicals.


Spring wheat, breeding, varieties, intensive farming, organic farming, grain quality, protein

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147242225   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2023.5.10

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