Content of microelements in soils and plants in farms unfavorable for enzootic ataxia of calves

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To organize adequate feeding of animals, it is necessary to know the biogeochemical characteristics of the region. It is necessary to have data on the content of macro and microelements in soils, vegetation and the body of animals, study their migration and establish the degree of provision of biologically important macro and microelements in the body of calves, and identify metabolic disorders in their body, as well as endemic diseases. In recent years, widespread diseases with paralytic signs of the limbs have been noted among calves in this zone. In order to determine the role of geochemical environmental factors in the occurrence of the disease, the content of copper, cobalt, manganese, nickel, selenium, molybdenum and sulfates in the soils and plants of disease-prone farms in the Neftchala and Hajigabul districts was determined. The research results showed that the content of manganese and nickel in the soils of these farms is within the normal range and even in some cases exceeds it, and the copper content is 50% less than the norm. A similar phenomenon was noted for the cobalt content in soils; its content was 3.03±0.3-7.4±0.8 mg/kg (on average 4.8 mg/kg) with a norm of 8 mg/kg.


Cobalt, copper, sulfates, ataxia, calves

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IDR: 14129649   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/99/14

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