The content of the concept «substance» in the course of natural science of profile school

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Teaching of the course "Natural science ” in high school may be the optimal solution of the problem of science education for students who have chosen humanitarian profiles. Modern science is considering new approaches to the understanding of nature as a whole. The concept of “substance”, “field”, quantum nature of light (and energy), directivity of changes in macro-systems, non stationary and evolution of the Universe are in the content of the science (from physics). The concept of "substance ” is one of the basic concepts of the natural science, each one examines a particular aspect of this concept, and this study is a certain path, unified for all science. The level structure of a system of concepts about the substance reflects the unity of the universal, special and individual. The sequence of the fundamental concepts formation in teaching (logic of knowledge) in a generic and concise repeats their historical formation and development (history of knowledge). The proposed approach can provide continuity of the course "Natural science ” of high school with the university integrated course “Concepts of modern natural science”.


Humanitarian profiles, system analysis, interdisciplinary content, fundamental concepts, structural levels of substance organization, substance, field, matter

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IDR: 142143047

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