The content of heavy metals in the vegetative organs of Hemerocallis hybrida in urban environment

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The elemental composition of aboveground and underground organs of Hemerocallis hybrida hort. family Hemerocallidaceae was studied. We used two varieties Speak to me and Regal Air. Elemental composition was determined by x-ray fluorescence analysis using synchrotron radiation, based on the interaction of matter with high-energy electromag-netic radiation. The content of heavy metals in leaves and rhizomes in the cultivars Regal Air and Speak to me grown in the urban environment was analyzed. Nine elements of different degrees of toxicity in the aboveground and underground organs in seven industrial areas and motor roads of the Soviet district of Novosibirsk and Berdsk were studied.The blood ties of content in leaves and rhi-zomes of nine additive elements Pb, Ni, Co, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ca, Sr, Cu in two kinds of Hemerocallis hybrid, Regal Air and Speak to me, distinguished by their quantitative content were revealed. The largest absolute content in the aboveground organs Speak to me and Regal Air, the elements are arranged in the same order Ca>Fe>Sr>Mn>Zn>Cu>Ni>Pb>Co. However, the quantitative content of elements in the kind Regal Air in the leaves is higher, than in grade Speak to me. The highest contents of elements in leaves found in industrial areas and motor roads of the Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station (pilot plant), the Gateway, the precast factory. The kind specifically in the concentration of elements in underground organs was observed. In the kind “Speak to me” the storage capacity of the elements was higher than that of the kind “Regal Air”. Heavy metals in Speak to me are in a row of Ca>Fe>Mn>Sr>Zn>Cu>Pb>Ni>Co, Regal Air Ca>Fe>Mn>Sr>Zn>Cu>Ni>Pb>Co, an exception to the order of elements is Pb and Ni, which is higher in first grade compared with the second.


Heavy metals, vegetative organs, hemerocallis hybrid, urban environment

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IDR: 14084604

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