The preservation of spiritual traditions in the family as the key to interethnic peace and harmony

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The article examines the role of preserving spiritual traditions in the family as a key factor in strengthening interethnic peace and harmony. In the context of globalization and cultural diversity, traditional family values play a crucial role in transmitting cultural norms and strengthening identity. Special attention is paid to the preservation of the spiritual heritage passed down from generation to generation and its impact on the harmonious coexistence of various ethnic groups. The author argues that strong family traditions contribute not only to the internal unity of the family, but also to the development of tolerance and respect for different cultures, which is necessary for peaceful coexistence in a multinational society.


Spiritual traditions, family, interethnic harmony, tolerance, cultural heritage, identity, intercultural relations, preservation of traditions

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IDR: 170207031   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-4-90-92

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