Variation of agrochemical characteristics under cultivation on meadow-chernozem soil situated in Irtysh area

Автор: Ermohin Yurij Ivanovich, Temereva Irina Vladimirovna

Журнал: Вестник Омского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-omgau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 (23), 2016 года.

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Forming of potato crop is followed by the uptake of nutrient chemicals especially fertilizers affect positively potato tubers as the potato uptakes more nutrients from the soil comparing to any green crop. The present article aims to present a study about growing of different potato varieties (Alaya Zarya, Svitanok, Kormilets, Zekura and Rosara) in a soil with natural fertility with mineral fertilizers application. Field experiments were carried out within 2 years from 2008 till 2010 in experimental field of Omsk SAU. Two-factor experiment. Three-times repeated. The scheme of potato plant is the following: 70 × 30 cm tubers weighing 80-100 g. The experimental plot size is 9.6 m2. The total test plot territory is 510 m2. The development of potato varieties grown on a soil with natural fertility being enriched was estimated on the basis of the crop amount of each variety in comparison with Alaya Zarya potatoes. Variation of agrochemical characteristics was found out when mineral fertilizers were applied. It has been discovered that using fertilizers increased yield potential and average potato crop higher by 21.1 % in comparison with the crop of the potato grown on unfertilized soil. Recommended rates of fertilizers for varieties Alaya Zarya and Kormilets were calculated on the basis of longstanding experience achieved by the staff of the department for Agricultural Chemistry. The variety Svitanok had been favorably fertilized by the calculated doses with due regard to the optimal nutrient rate in soil. The varieties Zekura and Rozara didn't show any difference while application of recommended rate of fertilizers as well as calculated ones. The absolute leaders in the number of crop obtained were varieties Alaya Zarya (30.8 and 29.4 t/ha with recommended and calculated rates of fertilizers respectively) and Svitanok (28.0 и 29.8 t/ha respectively).The obtained findings demonstrate the importance of taking in account such factors as fertility of soils, calculation of required nutrients for each variety of potato and their ability of uptake in specific soil and climatic conditions while establishment of fertilization program.


Soil, variety, potatoes, fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, yield

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142199260

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