Composition and exchange capacity of colloid iron (III) oxyhydrate at hydrolysis and extraction

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The models of formation function for iron oxyhydrate sol in chloride systems have been suggested, that are based upon solubility product equation and ion exchange isotherm, as well as Lange-Berg adsorption equation. The sol exchange capacity, found during modeling, explains the existence of Fe(OH)2,75(An)0,25 aqueous colloids and Fe(OH)2,75Х1/6Cl1/12 organosol. It has been shown that the sol exchange capacity is determined by the configuration of active centers upon the micelle surface.

Гидролиз железа (iii), iron (iii) hydrolysis, sols, ion-exchange centers, formation function, organosol, potentiometric titration, extraction, physicochemical modeling, ion-exchange absorption, potential-forming ion absorption

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IDR: 147160208

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