Composition and structure of soils of the Gobustan massif

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Gobustan district is located in the eastern part of Shamakhi, 101 km from Baku. The relief is abrasion rocky. The soil cover here is varied. In the eastern part of Gobustan, gray brown Solonetz soils are common, in the north-west - gray-brown soils. Soil samples were taken, and individual types of soil cover structures were determined. The discovered soil structures are mainly tree-like in nature. Mechanical analysis data show that the upper arable and subarable horizons of these soils, 0-40 and 0-50 cm deep, are characterized by a clayey-heavy loamy mechanical composition. However, in the upper horizons of these soils the content of physical clay is relatively less and amounts to 46.1-52.8%, and the amount of silt particles does not exceed 22.2-28.4%.


Gobustan massif, structure of soil cover

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IDR: 14130162   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/103/14

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