The composition of macroalgae of piers and ships fouling in the north-west part of the Sea of Japan and the south part of the Sea of Okhotsk

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Macroseaweeds are one of leading components of benthic sea communities. Besides, they are ac-tive fouling agents of any artificial substrate brought by the man into water. The knowledge of structure and ecological features of flora of fouling is neces-sary for successful fight against sea fouling and effective management of processes of cultivation of hydrobionts. Despite numerous researches of communities of fouling the macroflora of fouling moorings and vessels of the seas of the Far East is insufficiently studied. The research objective was to investigate the structure of flora of fouling of moor-ings and vessels in the northwest part of the Sea of Japan and the southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. The material was the collection of fouling organ-isms including macroseaweed executed by the staff of Institute of Biology of Sea FEB RAS with the help of standard technique in the 1980-1990-s and in 2009. The samples of fouling were collected in the northwest part of the Japanese Sea (Strait of Tarta-ry, Peter the Great Bay) and southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk (Aniwa Bay) on harvesting and transport vessels of long voyage, on vessels of coastal swimming and berthing facilities. In fouling of moorings and vessels of all 130 species of macroseaweed from three departments, including 60 - red, 37 - green and 33 - brown were met. It was established that the flora of fouling of vessels of coastal swimming was the richest (28 types) to Aniwa Bay, is poorest (17) - in the Strait of Tartary. The flora of fouling of moorings is richest (84) to Peter the Great Bay was the poorest (13) - Aniwa Bay. The flora of fouling of berthing facilities is more various than fouling flora of vessels of por-toflot in the same area. Biocenotic role of red and green seaweed around the research increases up-on the transition from mobile type of anthropogenic substratum to motionless and in the process of ad-vance from the North on the South.


Fouling, green, brown, red, ships, flora, aniva bay, tatar strait, peter the great bay, macroseaweed, piers

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IDR: 140224174

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