Malacofauna composition of Far Eastern marune reserve (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan)

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Mollusks are one of the main components of benthic ma-rine communities, despite biota inventarization of the Far Eastern Marine Reserve (FESMR) is not adequately charac-terized. The purpose of this research is to establish taxonomic and zonal-geographic composition of malacofauna of the Far Eastern Marine Reserve. As the material collecting organisms of benthos and plankton and nekton, including mollusks, exe-cuted by standard techniques in the 1990-ies and in 2005-2015 by employees of FESMR and Institute of Marine Biology FEB RAS served. The research was conducted on three sites of FESMR: southern, western and eastern. By the results of monitoring works and to literary data, the malacofauna in-cludes 277 molluscan species, including 7 chitons, 7 cepha-lopods, 112 bivalves and 151 gastropods referring to 184 genes, 94 families and 34 orders. The list of mollusks is add-ed with 5 types two-fold and 38 species of gastropods mol-lusks, including 11 prosobranchs, 26 - opistobranchs and 1 - pulmonate. Modern malacofauna has increased in terms of the total species number. The southern site of FESMR adjoin-ing on the adjacent regions of Korea is in the lead on the number of faunistic finds of gastropod and bivalve mollusks’ findings in Southern Seaside. The basis of afterburn gastro-pod fauna of the reserve is made by the types also known in other parts of Peter the Great Bay. Also a number of the taxons which are seldom found or not so noted beyond its limits are its part. Therefore further researches of this interest-ing faunistic and biogeographical area of the seas of Russia are necessary. Carrying out annual monitoring of fauna in the most significant sites of Far Eastern Marine Reserve is expe-dient.


Fauna, mollusks, gastropods, chitons, far eastern marine reserve, peter the great bay, sea of japan, bivalves

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IDR: 140224392

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