Condition of agritourism in the Bryanskaya oblast

Автор: Sarafanova A.G., Sarafanov A.A.

Журнал: Мировая наука @science-j

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 8 (17), 2018 года.

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Bryanskaya oblast has huge tourist and recreational potential, the agritourism allowing to develop. This type of tourism promotes the solution of economic problems of the village. Also due to development of agritourism in the territory of Bryanskaya oblast it is possible to increase inbound tourism flow. In article indicators of a share of country people, number of collective means of placement and number of places in them, the extents of highways presented by Federal State Statistics Service are analysed.

Rural areas, tourism, potential, bryanskaya oblast, agriproduct

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