The state of technical and technological support of breeding and original potato seed production

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The material analyzes the technical and technological support of breeding and primary seed potatoes in the country. It is revealed that during the years of perestroika, the Russian Federation has almost completely lost the domestic base of breeding and seed machines. Currently, all breeding and original seed production in Russia are based on manual labor. The evolution of planting machines for potato seed production is shown. To obtain high-quality seed material of domestic varieties it is necessary to develop at the present level of two sets of machines, separately for breeding (with power tool class thrust 0,6 kN) and for the original seed (with the power means of the class thrust of 1.4 kN). On the way of mechanization of breeding and seed works there are many unsolved problems. In the complex of machines for breeding and primary seed potatoes leading position is occupied by planting machines, as planting determines the technology of care and cleaning. The design of the landing machines of different companies. Analysis of the structures showed that the most common were disk landing machines with a vertical axis of rotation (firm "Cramer", "Stoll", etc.). The production of high - quality potato seed material is a strategic task of domestic agriculture. Currently, Russia annually imports 500 thousand tons of seed potatoes, which is almost 80% of all planting material used by agricultural enterprises and peasant farms. As a rule, these are varieties of foreign selection. One of the reasons for this situation was the fact that over the years of "reforms", the Russian Federation has almost completely lost the domestic base of breeding and seed machines.


Technical support, potatoes, breeding, original seed production, set of machines

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147229199

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