Improving the shadow sector state control system in the economic security interests

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The paper presents an analysis of the state system of control (supervision) over the shadow economy and develops recommendations for its containment in a state that allows using its advantages in the conditions of economic turbulence and sanctions. The complexity of the tasks to be solved is due to the a priori negative impact of the shadow economy on the national economic system and national economic security. At the same time, in the current foreign economic and foreign policy situation, it is necessary to turn to non-standard tools that allow, including through import substitution, to ensure the growth of the Russian economy and counteract the pressure of sanctions. The author provides a system of evidence for strengthening state control at the current stage, since in the conditions of economic uncertainty and the speed with which changes occur, the use of only economic regulators is far from always justified. At the same time, the work shows that excessive passion for state control in the long term can have a negative impact on the competitiveness of the Russian economy and its attractiveness for foreign partners, even from friendly countries. In this situation, it is necessary to find a certain balance that takes into account many different economic and non-economic factors and requirements in the field of ensuring economic security. The proposed recommendations related to the practical application of the state control system and its modernization take into account the specified factors and contribute to the most effective solution of problems in the field of economic security.


State control, economic interests, sanctions, import substitution, shadow economy, formal economy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140307666   |   DOI: 10.36718/2500-1825-2024-4-3-15

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