Improvement of special physical fitness of freestyle wrestlers on the background of accented strength training

Автор: Volozhanin Sergey Egorovich, Dagbaev Bator Vladimirovich

Журнал: Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Философия @vestnik-bsu

Статья в выпуске: 13, 2011 года.

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Insufficient development of the muscular-articular and ligamentous apparatus, as a rule, does not allow full implementation of athletes technical and tactical capabilities, it leads to overstrain and ultimately results in serious injuries. In the theory and practice of sport the primary means for development of strength and qualitative changes in muscles in the desired direction is training with weights. In the modern sense it is a systematic, well-planned program of exercises. While doing it, an athlete uses bars, dumbbells, other apparatuses and weights, different training devices, as well as his own weight in order to increase resistance at various movements of the body


Strength training, wrestling, methods of development of strength, speed-power qualities

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IDR: 148180018

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