Improving the accounting of equity capital of a joint-stock company
Автор: Kildeeva A.R.
Журнал: Экономика и бизнес: теория и практика @economyandbusiness
Статья в выпуске: 6-1 (76), 2021 года.
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The article reveals the economic essence, characteristics and definition of the organization's equity capital. On the example of JSC «Kadoshkinsky Electrotechnical Plant», the features of reflecting equity capital in the accounting of an organization using the automated program 1C are highlighted. The composition of the equity capital of the joint-stock company is considered. The prospects for the development of equity capital accounting using the automated software product 1C: ERP Enterprise management are identified.
Joint-stock company, accounting, accounting policy, equity, retained earnings, software, areas of improvement
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 170183573 | DOI: 10.24412/2411-0450-2021-6-1-121-124