The council for the study of productive forces of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: the establishment and activities in the 1930s

Бесплатный доступ

The Council for the Study of Productive Forces was established by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1930 for the purpose of comprehensive study of the country's natural resources. It was created on the basis of pre-existing division of the Academy of Sciences, which had similar goals, - the Commission for the Study of Natural Productive Forces. Over the next three decades the Council coordinated the activities of academic institutions, organized numerous expeditions and convened scientific conferences and meetings in the field of productive forces. It was a fundamentally new model of organization of applied research in the Academy of Sciences, established in the context of mobilization of the economy. The article is devoted to the structure of the Council and the way of its functioning in the first decade of its existence.


Council for the study of productive forces, academy of sciences

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IDR: 147219159

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