Soviet economy

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Well-known concepts of the Soviet economy are political-economic or socio-economic (otherwise, economic-sociological). Therefore, these concepts focus on the political and institutional factors that determine the functioning of the Soviet economy. They depict the economy as a system of political-economic and socio-economic relations. It is no coincidence that it is typically defined as a command-and-control economy that is diametrically different from a market economy. However, in this case, respectively, the purely economic (endogenous) regularities of the functioning of the Soviet economy remain outside the sphere of knowledge. This work is a pure economic and theoretical study of the Soviet economy. The object of research is the Soviet economy. The subject of research is the type of Soviet economy. The purpose of the study is to determine the type (identification) of the Soviet economy. The paper contains the historical and analytical aspect of the grounds for identifying the Soviet economy as a non-market economy. The paper presents the methodological and conceptual criticism. In the positive part of the study, we present an endogenous model of market economy under the condition of functioning of the state as a monopoly-landowner and a monopoly-capitalist (the model of a monopoly-state economy). The basic rules of functioning of the state, state firms and households are defined. These rules relate to the typical for the Soviet economy phenomena. Based on this correlation, the Soviet economy is identified as a market economy of a special type - a monopoly-state economy.


Endogenous theory, private interest, public interest, commodity-money exchange, market, state, monopoly

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142225362   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1330

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