Modern intellectual magazines as phenomenon of culture and civilization

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Purpose. The relevance of the research is connected with the leading directions of the development of modern journalistic science, which prioritizes studying the transformation of traditional media under the influence of the realities of the information society and modern civilization. The processes of penetration of the civilization factor into the media sphere are particularly clearly seen in the segment of magazine publications, which is connected with the globalization of the magazine market and the scale of its influence on the audience. Among the main vectors of modern magazine sactivities are the creation of cultural values and the creation of civilization values. If an intellectual magazine creates cultural values, broadcasting information at a qualitative level and focusing on a high level of audience training, the «new intellectual magazine» as an interdisciplinary publication creates the values of civilization and forms the lifestyle of the audience. The study of modern intellectual publications as translators of cultural values and values of civilization requires studying the modern intellectual magazine as a type of publication, identifying its main features, substantiating the differentiation of intellectual magazines into two subgroups - the classic intellectual magazine (for example, «Inviolable Reserve: Politics and Culture Debate», «New Literary Review») and a new intellectual magazine (for example, «Snob» and «Esquire»). The methodological basis of this work is based on a systems approach and a comparative typological method. In particular, the systems approach was used to identify evidence of an intellectual magazine as a type of publication. The comparative typological method was used to determine the differentiating measure of the subgroups of the intellectual magazine. The key factor in the emergence of a new intellectual magazine was the formation of a young generation of intellectuals with discrete, interactive thinking, a special value system. The magazines broadcast a model of modern civilization with its ideas and meanings, which proves the inclusion of this media phenomenon in civilizational communication processes.


Intellectual magazine, civilization, culture, interdisciplinary, multi-format, interactive, intellectual

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147220121   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2019-18-6-115-128

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