Modern problems of organizing effective interaction between cargo shippers and JSC RZD holding and ways to solve them

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This article discusses modern problems of a theoretical and applied nature in matters of organizing an effective scheme of interaction between industrial enterprises and the Russian Railways Holding. Constantly changing modern realities dictate new rules for doing business and require adjustments to the existing system of cooperation between shippers and the owner of the infrastructure. At the same time, the complex mechanism of the functioning of railways is not able to quickly respond to ongoing changes and external challenges, which entails missed opportunities to build economic potential and turn them into a source of accumulating problems. Industrial enterprises load various types of cargo and the growth of their profits depends on the timely supply and cleaning of wagons, reducing the downtime of wagons under loading and in anticipation of the formation and disbanding of trains. In turn, the growth in income of Russian Railways directly depends on the demand for transportation and existing tariffs, which are adjusted based on the needs of the shipper and the volume of cargo transported. The measures proposed in the article make it possible to optimize the process of loading and transporting crushed stone and achieve an increase in the economic efficiency of enterprises, as well as an increase in the income of Russian Railways in the long term.


Consignor, crushed stone enterprise, access roads, interaction, effective cooperation, consumer, profit, income, economic effect, customer focus

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IDR: 142237027   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2689

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