Modern trends in the development of the manufacturing industry in the context of the digital transformation of the economy

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Over the past two decades, there has been a large-scale digital transformation of society, a change in the technological order, which was based on the formation of technological infrastructure and the use of a large array of data. The previous stage of digitalization was accompanied by providing one million users with Internet access, the new one characterizes the introduction of innovative products and services into the real life of society. The facts accumulated by world practice confirm the socio-economic significance of the changes taking place, and the merger of online and offline spheres indicates the prospects for the use of innovations. The approval of the state program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation», «Strategies for the development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030» contributed to the involvement of domestic organizations from different sectors of the economy in the process of digital transformation. Industry 4.0 technologies penetrate deeply into the manufacturing industry, transforming value chains, solving issues of improving the quality of products, reducing the cost of production, inefficient use of resources, low productivity, etc. In this regard, research in the field of digitalization and evaluation of the effect of its implementation are of particular relevance. To date, the experience of the Russian Federation in introducing qualitative changes in the functioning of enterprises in different sectors and assessing their effectiveness is actively being formed, mainly on the basis of quantitative methods.


Manufacturing industry, ecology, innovative products

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IDR: 142234394

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