Modern journalistic texts in a converged media: theoretical aspects

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The article deals with the problem of the text transformation in the modern media that is due to the fact that the media get a new development under the direct influence of virtual communication technologies. The Russian language functions in the network following entirely different rules. These changes apply to all types of text: verbal, visual, and auditory. The combination of these types of text forms the creolized text. The current situation requires a new generation of professionals capable of producing texts in accordance with the demands of a large audience speaking the same language with them. While analyzing the research in the field of modern textual criticism, periodicals, texts and publications in social networks at the seminars, the students of the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University have proved that there’s a need to rethink the theoretical concepts of modern journalistic text.


Text, journalistic text, media text, content, hypertext, media convergence

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IDR: 147154061   |   DOI: 10.14529/ling170201

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