Special settlers from the Western Ukraine in the Krasnoyarsk territory (1945 - the beginning of 1960): the process of sociocultural adaptation

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The stay of the families deported from the Western Ukraine on the banishment in one of the Siberian regions -Krasnoyarsk territory: their accommodation, spheres of the labour "use", everyday life organization are considered in the article. The specificity of the evicted people who were initially considered by the authorities to be "unreliable" is noted. The staying on the banishment didn't principally change their mutual perceiving. The adaptation process affected only external forms of special settler existence, but didn't affect their outlook that saved the original value sets.

Deportation, banishment, adaptation, rehabilitation, intra-ethnic consolidation, realization of socialistic transformations

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14083702

IDR: 14083702

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