The athlete and his seasonal biorhythms in places of continuous accommodation in the conditions of the megalopolis of South Ural

Автор: Ehrlich V.V.

Журнал: Человек. Спорт. Медицина @hsm-susu

Рубрика: Интегративная физиология

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.13, 2013 года.

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Adaptive reorganization of daily allowance and seasonal rhythms of physiological functions in connection with a trip on collecting, competitions (moving in trains, buses, flights) is determined by violation old and consecutive formation of a new biorhythm of sports potential. In the course of hronophysiological adaptation phasic reorganizations of biorhythms of a dynamic homeostasis depending on environmental influences and adaptation phases change. In work seasonal changes of indicators of system of blood, energy carriers, enzymes, types of an exchange, bilirubin, hormones, enzymes, acids, a blood-groove system, organ, brain, pulmonary ventilation, gas exchange, kardiopulmonalny system are presented. Sports qualification of surveyed skiers-racers (CMS, MS) high qualification assumed frequent change of the place of residence, departures in middle mountains. Were applied the concept and technologies of development of local and regional muscular endurance in the preparatory period and integrated preparation at stages of direct and final preparation for competitions. The megalopolis from the point of view of influence of ecological factors has high maximum concentration limit of salts of heavy metals, the xenobiotics caused by congestion of the city by the motor transport, metallurgy, chemical productions, etc.


Seasonal biorhythms, blood system, uniform elements, enzymes, hormones, gas exchange, kardiopulmonalny system, concept, technologies, loading, blood-groove, microcells

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