The method of committing a crime as an element of forensic characteristics of crimes against life and health committed by medical workers in consequence of medical misconduct

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Medical workers in the process of carrying out their professional activities more often commit crimes against life and health committed as a result of medical misconduct. These crimes represent an increased social danger and in this connection they require a serious approach on the part of the investigator, as well as law enforcement agencies in general. When investigating these crimes, the investigator faces a number of difficulties, one of which is making investigative versions at the initial stage of investigation. The author thinks that one of the ways to solve this problem is studying in details the elements of forensic characteristics of crimes, namely knowing typical ways of committing crimes against life and health committed as a result of professional misconduct. A detailed classification of the methods of committing crimes of this category, compiled on the basis of theoretical and empirical material, will help the investigator in choosing the most appropriate version of what happened, in establishing the cause-effect relationships between the medical worker’s actions and the ensuing consequences.


Medical worker, medical care, life, health, crime investigation, forensic characteristics

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IDR: 142232800

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