Comparative estimation of dynamics microcirculation in vascularized autotransplants at autoplasty them of the spleen wound in experiment

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In experiment on 52 rabbits microcirculation in a serous-muscular flap of a stomach and a fragment of the greater omentum after autoplasty by them of a wound of spleen is investigated by the method laser Doppler’s fluometry. Terms of supervision - from moment plastics till 360 day. Researches have shown, that microcirculation in gastric autotransplant after autoplasty it wounds of spleen has uniform character on all extent of experiment, and in a fragment of an omentum its non-uniform character with increase of intensity in proximal a direction is noted. Investigated values in gastric autotransplant on all extent of experiment were above, than in an omentum. Therefore regeneration damaged parenhyma considerably is improved in the productive party at use of a wall of a stomach in comparison with a greater omentum.


Spleen, wound, microcirculation, stomach, omentum

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140188043

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